MY Story

“Painting is a strange business”

JMW Turner

Painting places and faces that make connections.

Working as a contemporary pastel artist creating semi abstract, dynamic paintings that capture the atmosphere of our surroundings with loose textural marks, layers of vibrant colour and energetic movement. I believe a landscape should not reflect a photographic representation of a scene, but instead capture the mood of a place and moment in time, therefore my work uses a loose approach that leads the viewer to make their own personal connection to it.

As a family we spend a lot of time outside, whether a winter walk on the beach, a summer holiday camping with friends or a hike up the local tor. Immersed in nature I am able to soak up the colours, the textures and the sounds of our countryside. These all feed in to my work and the way in which I interpret the landscape. I am focused on capturing what we feel rather than what we see.

I’ve also been known to paint portraits. In a slightly more traditional style, but still injecting the energy, colour and movement of my typical pastel application.

So much can be conveyed by a simple mark, which makes the process of capturing people and places on paper so much fun.